Starting with microscopes
Why amateur microscopy?
Discover the amazing world under the microscope, learn how to get the best from your microscope, or how to take stunning photos.
Compound microscopes
High power compound microscopes are used with thin transparent subjects or flat opaque subjects, and offer magnifications from around 20× up to around 1000×.
Stereomicroscopes are well-suited to 3-dimensional subjects that don’t need any preparation, and offer magnifications from around 6× up to around 60×.
Specimen holders
Accessories for manipulating objects under stereomicroscopes
Microscopes for children
Advice on buying good but simple and inexpensive microscopes to help your child develop an interest in microscopy
Natural History Museum Microscope
Ideal for kids, robust, easy to use, and works really well as a field microscope.
Microscopic life
The greatest diversity of life on our planet is microscopic, and much remains to be discovered. Make a real contribution to science by studying these organisms.
Antique microscopes & slides
The Club is home for collectors and researchers on the history of the microscope and antique slides – many leading experts are Quekett members.
Starting digital photomicrography
Digital cameras have made it easy to take photographs through a microscope, and this page shows you how to get started.
Microscopes and digital photography
Learn more about the many forms of microscope and microscopic techniques, and develop your skills in digital photomicrography.
Definitions of some terms associated with the construction and use of the light microscope. The explanations are simplified so as to be useful for those new to the hobby.
Understanding the microscope
A series of 12 articles for beginners and more experienced users, providing an introduction to light microscopy.