World Microscope Day 2023
Thursday 13th April 2023
World Microscope Day was launched in 2021 and is masterminded by Quekett member Robert Ratford. It is intended to help promote microscopy, and the date commemorates the first use of the word “microscope” on 13th April 1625.
You can find out more on the Facebook Group:
To mark the event, a 2-day Zoom meeting was organised featuring talks and demonstrations by amateur and professional microscopists. Everything was presented in ‘real time’ and recorded, and you can watch videos of the presentations here.
Here is the programme as it was presented. We hope you enjoy the show!
Thursday April 13th 2023
Session 1. The Stromness Project.
Robert Ratford and Chris Thomas
Session 2. Clubs, Groups and Societies – What’s happening in the World of Microscopy?
Robert Ratford
Session 3. Gossip Meeting – “My Microscope”
Various speakers
Session 4. Image J – Image Processing Software
Shiraz Kaderuppan
Session 5. The Norris Museum
Chris Thomas
Session 6. Diatom Lab
Stefano Barone
Session 7. The Norris Museum (2)
Chris Thomas
Session 8. Electron Microscopy
Alex Strachan
Session 9. Art & Design of Early Microscopes – My Microscope Collection
Joe Glavy (USA)
Session 10. The Norris Museum (3)
Chris Thomas
Session 11. Zooming: Evolution – Technicalities – Solutions
Paul Smith
Session 12. Light Sheet Microscopy
Franco Cheli
Session 13. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek – 300 years on
Lesley Robertson
Session 13. Moss Safari
Andrew Chandler-Grevatt
Session 14. Restoration – Why Investigate Lacquer Fading?
Penny Thoyts
Session 15. Tony talks to…. Robert Ratford about Microscopes and Microscopy
Tony Sutera and Robert Ratford chat about all things to do with microscopes in this animated podcast on YouTube.
Session 16. Wim van Egmond’s Recent Projects – What’s he been up to?
Wim van Egmond
Session 17. Crystals
Bevil Templeton-Smith
Session 18. Geology and Microrefractometry
Julian Gray
Session 19. Lens Grinding, Polishing, and Microscope Making
Jay Holmes
Session 20. Freshwater Life Videos
Tony Pattinson
Session 21. Microtools And How To Make Them
Graham Matthews
Session 22. Scientific Imaging and Art
Robert Simmons (USA)
Session 23. Atomic Force Microscopy
Rawil Fakhrullin
Session 24. Marine Interstitial Protist Diversity
Jeffrey Silverman (USA)
Session 25. Identitification of Mineral Grains and Fragments
Julian C Gray (USA)
Session 26. Clubs, Groups and Societies
Robert Ratford
Session 27. Microscope Adventures
Chris Thomas
Session 28. van Leeuwenhoek’s microscope
Wim van Egmond
Session 29. Children and Microscopy in South America
Elisa Castro-Ravelo
Session 30. The Big, Huge, Mega Microscopy Quiz
Robert Ratford