Books and USB drive

In addition to the Quekett Journal of Microscopy, the Club publishes a number of books and a USB flash drive relevant to microscopes and microscopy. To check postage prices and payment details, please use the form at the end of this page to contact the Sales Officer.

Please see Books by members for other titles relevant to microscopy.

USB flash drive

Quekett USB flash driveQuekett Journal of Microscopy 1868–2012

Suitable for any computer or tablet with a modern web browser and a USB socket – £10.00 + P&P.

Every page of text and every illustration from volumes 1 through to 41 of the Quekett Journal of Microscopy is now available on a single USB flash drive. Any personal computer or tablet with a USB socket and a web browser can use this removable drive to find any or all articles on any subject or by any author, in the 41 volumes from 1868 to 2012.

You can copy the contents of the USB flash drive to your hard disk for faster and more convenient access.

For this USB flash drive, Steve Gill has combined everything from the older CD-ROM and DVD versions, added volume 41 (2009–2012) of the Journal, added an updated search interface, and incorporated some items from the archives. Volumes 1–36 were scanned by Cornwall Business Systems and volumes 37–40 were scanned by Brian Bracegirdle. All this is now available at the greatly reduced price of £10.00 plus postage (the two DVDs used to cost £150.00).

Please note that the plug is retractable; twist the top and bottom of the drive in opposite directions to extend or retract the plug.

USB flash drive instructions


All of these books are in stock and are available new at the indicated prices.

The Quekett Microscopical Club 1865–2015The Quekett Microscopical Club 1865–2015

By Brian Bracegirdle – FREE (plus P&P)

2016, vii + 282 pp., 24.7×20.6×2.1 cm., hardback, ISBN 978-0-9564591-2-1

The book celebrates 150 years of a Club for which, as the author said, a “huge amount of goodwill and actual affection [is] felt for the [Club] by most of its members”. It reveals some fascinating details of past activities, a sweep of social history and remarkably readable information about the Club’s current involvement in microscopy around the country and beyond.

A history of photography with the light microscopeA history of photography with the light microscope

By Brian Bracegirdle – FREE (plus P&P)

2010, 24.7×24.7×1.9 cm., vii + 221 pages, hardback, ISBN 978-0-9564591-1-4.

The author specialised in microscopical history for over 40 years, and had to his credit other publications in this field. He may have been the first qualified historian of the microscope who was also qualified in photography and in microscopy.

The book is the first full treatment of this topic. It contains over 500 references to the extensive literature, and more than 350 illustrations.

A special feature is the illustrations from the author’s 2005 catalogue of the microscopy collections of the Science Museum in London, from where he retired as Chief Curator.

Read a review in Quekett Journal of Microscopy 41(5) pp. 445–447 (Summer 2011)
Read a review by John Gustav Delly in Modern Microscopy
Read a review by Alberto Meschiari in Nuncius 27 (2012) 207–233
Read a review by Jeremy Sanderson in Imaging & Microscopy Volume 13, March 2011, p. 15

Microscopical mounts and mountersMicroscopical mounts and mounters

By Brian Bracegirdle – £5.00 + P&P
1998, 9.8×6.8×0.7 inches, vi + 225 pages including 60 full-page colour plates, hardback, ISBN 0-9514441-3-1

The author collated forty years of notes acquired during his own research and handling of slides to produce this valuable reference book. After a short preface and introduction, the bulk of the book is an alphabetical listing of mounters including individual mounters (amateurs and professional) and firms that made slides. These listings include biographical aspects of the mounters, addresses and references to other works where appropriate.

Useful entries on general aspects of slides and their subjects are also included on topics such as diatoms, diamond writing, fluid mounts etc. The text is complemented by facsimiles from pages of some of the older makers’ catalogues.

The text entry for each mounter is cross referenced with the colour plates in the second half of the book, which comprises 60 full page colour plates showing almost a thousand microscope slides at nearly natural size from a wide range of mounters.

Read a review by Savile Bradbury in Quekett Journal of Microscopy 38(3) pp. 249–250 (Autumn 1998)
Read a review in Microscopy UK
Read a review by J. Stedman on Amazon

The Renaissance Trust gave a grant to cover the production costs of this book.

Notes on modern microscope manufacturersNotes on modern microscope manufacturers

By Brian Bracegirdle – £5.00 + P&P
1996, 9.8×6.8×0.5 inches, xiii + 88 pages, hardback, ISBN 0-9514441-7-4

This book provides notes on microscope manufacturers from 1850 to the present, with a particular emphasis on 20th century makers. The author consulted original documentary evidence to ensure that the information is accurate. Serial number history is provided for the larger manufacturers to allow the accurate dating of microscopes.

Includes an annotated bibliography on the history, manufacture and cataloguing of microscopes and provides valuable information on the history of modern optical microscopes and their dating.

Read a review by Savile Bradbury in Quekett Journal of Microscopy 37(7) pp. 594–595 (Spring 1996)
Read a review by David Walker in Microscopy UK

The Renaissance Trust gave a grant to cover the production costs of this book.

Microscopical papers from the “Quekett”Microscopical papers from the “Quekett”

Editor Brian Bracegirdle – SOLD OUT

1989, 24.5×15.1×1.2 cm., 227 pages, soft cover, ISBN 0-9514441-0-7.

To mark the completion of 35 volumes of the journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club, 24 papers of wide use and appeal were selected and reprinted in this single volume.

The Renaissance Trust gave a grant to cover the production costs of this book.

Cumulative index to the Quekett Journals of MicroscopyCumulative index to the Quekett Journals of Microscopy volumes 1 to 36 1868–1992

Compiled by Michael J. Newstead – SOLD OUT

1994, 25.6×18.4×2.5 cm., 243 pages, hardback, ISBN 0-9514441-2-3.

An index to the authors and subjects of all the contents, plus separate indexes of book reviews and obituaries.

An invaluable source for all interested in the history of microscopy.

The Renaissance Trust gave a grant to cover the production costs of this book.

This index is incorporated in the 1868–2012 USB flash drive.

Contact the Sales Officer

To enquire about the above items, please contact the Sales Officer using this form.

Prices may change due to postage increases.

Please provide your postal address so that postage can be calculated.

Quekett members, please use the Shop in the Members’ area so that you are given any available discounts.

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