RCS Lunchtime Lecture “John Quekett, Victorian microscopist”
Tuesday 11th August 2015
The 200th anniversary of the birth of John Thomas Quekett, after whom the Club is named, fell on 11th August 2015, and to mark the occasion Phil Greaves gave a well-attended lunchtime lecture at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in London, as part of the Club’s microscopy outreach programme.
Dr Sam Alberti (Director of Museums and Archives) welcoming the audience
Phil Greaves starting his presentation
View Phil’s PowerPoint presentation
- Listen to an audio recording of the lecture
- Read a transcript of the lecture
Audience for the lecture
Library at the Royal College of Surgeons, the venue for the lecture
Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope by John Thomas Quekett
Dannae Haskath (left) and other visitors examining the exhibits
One notable member of the audience was William Quekett, nephew of Captain Quekett who was a Club member in the 1970s and grandson of John Thomas Quekett. William’s wife was also present.
William Quekett (left) and Phil Greaves
William Quekett
Mrs Quekett, Sam Alberti and Dennis Fullwood examining some of Quekett’s slides
Mrs Quekett
Dr Emmy Bocaege, who is researching, conserving and cataloguing the Quekett slides at the RCS
Martyn Cooke, Museum Conservator at the RCS
Photos by Mark Papp