Eric Marson Award

Quekex, the Club’s annual exhibition, will take place on Saturday 14th October 2023 – 10:00am to 4:00pm at Elm Court Youth and Community Centre, 363 Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3BP.

Entry conditions for the Eric Marson Award for Slide Preparation 2023


Awards of Merit will be given to examples of excellent quality at the Annual Exhibition of the Quekett Microscopical Club where they will be displayed for other members and guests to inspect and admire. Photographs of the slides and their subjects will be taken in advance and by entering you agree that images may be shown on the Club website, they may also be reproduced for use at Club and outreach events. Copyright remains with the author.

This award is a celebration of making microscope slides. It is designed to provide the opportunity to share good ideas and to develop and encourage the making of slides.

The Objectives

1. To recognise standards of excellence of Members in making permanent microscopical preparations.
2. To encourage Members to offer their best work for assessment and possible awards of a Certificate of Merit.

The Rules

Entry is open to all Members of the Quekett Microscopical Club, the Postal Microscopical Society and Iceni who are not professional slides mounters. In addition to this entry is also available to family members living in the same household as a Quekett Microscopical Club member.

Any form of mount or preparation will be eligible including ‘whole mounts’ of insects, botanical, geological and other subjects. Innovation is encouraged, the only requirements being for a permanent mount to be viewed with a microscope. Mounts can be specifically suited for viewing under low power stereo, medium or the highest magnification of the light microscope. The standard of labelling and general presentation will be considered.

A maximum of three mounts per person is allowed.

How to enter


Entries should be sent to Mr Graham Matthews with this entry form.  Slides must be identifiable by maker. The deadline for entries is 1st September 2023.


In addition to sending slides for judging overseas members are also able to enter digitally. You will need to submit three images:
1.  The entire slide.
2.  The ringed portion of the slide
3.  An image of the specimen as seen through the microscope

Images should be of high quality but may not exceed 20MB. They can be submitted via the website and should be in .jpg format.

ALL ENTRIES MUST be accompanied by:
a. a note on the method of collection, where applicable;
b. a brief description of the technique used in preparation including the type of mountant;
c. where the preparation justifies examination with a particular magnification or a form of lighting (e.g. dark ground) this should be stated.

For digital submissions, please include details about entries in the entry form text box, but note that each actual image file submitted must be sent as a separate attachment – NOT embedded in a Word or text document.

Each entry will be assessed prior to the exhibition by an independent judge whose decision is final.

The closing date for submissions to the Eric Marson Award for Slide Preparation is Monday, 1st September 2023


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Subject (required)

    Your Message

    Attach up to three files. Please be aware that the total of attachments to the form may not exceed 25MB. This permits, for example, one file of 20MB plus two text files of about 2MB each. If it is required to send more than one large file then two (or more) submissions must be made, with appropriate identifiers in each.

    If you wish to remove any attached files please use your browser’s Back button and complete the form again.

    None of the Club, the Club’s officers can accept responsibility for loss or damage to slides but, needless to say, the greatest possible care will be taken.