Bulletin of the Quekett Microscopical Club
The Bulletin is sent to Club members in March and September each year and is an informal publication with full colour illustration, providing reports of Club meetings, excursions and events.
The Bulletin also contains short articles by members on subjects of interest to all amateur microscopists, including practical DIY articles, microscope optics and records of work performed with the microscope.
The Bulletin provides all members with a means to communicate their work and interests.
There are indexes of articles in the Bulletin in the password-protected area for members.
For an indication of the wide variety of subjects covered by the Bulletin please see the Contents of recent Bulletin issues.
The Bulletin is not available to non-members, but selected articles are available on this website.
Contact the Editor
Before you prepare an article for the Bulletin, please read the Recommendations to contributors.
If you have an idea for an article to appear in the Bulletin, please contact the Bulletin Editor using this form: