
Other websites directly related to microscopy

We add new sites as and when we discover them, so if you know of one that you think should be included, please contact the Webmaster. Also contact us please if you find a broken link – sites do change their web addresses and it is often difficult to keep track of these changes – you might spot it first.

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The excellent Micscape pages run by the indefatigable Maurice Smith. Definitely aimed at the beginner and keen amateur, there is plenty here to enjoy.

Microscopy and Analysis
Microscopy and Analysis is the premier international publication for all who work with the applications, instrumentation and techniques of microscopy, chemical analysis and imaging to further our understanding of the biomedical and materials sciences.

Modern Microscopy
Modern Microscopy is a free web journal for the professional microscopist. It is managed by the staff of The McCrone Group, Westmont, Illinois.

Micro und Makrofotografie
Although this site is only in German it is very worthwhile visiting to see some excellent photographs of various micro and macroscopical subjects.

Light Microscopy Forum
A rich range of articles, resources and plenty of links to other sites. Strongly recommended.

Yahoo! Amateur Microscopy Group: Amateur Microscope Club
One of the 2 active microscopy groups on Yahoo!, with more emphasis on subjects than equipment

Groups.io Microscope Group: Microscopy as a hobby or profession
The former Yahoo! Microscope Group, with more emphasis on equipment than subjects.

Yahoo! Microscope restoration and collection Group
Not very active, but still a useful source of help and advice on cleaning, restoring and repairing microscopes.

Galleries of amazing photographs, and discussion forums on equipment and techniques for photomicrography and macrophotography.

Carl Zeiss Microscopy Online Campus
Detailed explanations of everything from basic concepts through to spectral imaging and super-resolution microscopy, with illustrations of Zeiss equipment.

Nikon MicroscopyU
Detailed explanations of everything from basic concepts through to confocal and super-resolution microscopy, with illustrations of Nikon equipment.

Olympus Microscopy Resource Center
Detailed explanations of everything from basic concepts through to confocal and super-resolution microscopy, with illustrations of Olympus equipment.

MicrobeHunter.com – Microscopy Magazine and Blog
Oliver Kim’s site includes a forum and a free, monthly, downloadable magazine called Microbe Hunter.

An introduction to photomicrography
Stephen Durr is a knowledgeable and enthusiastic amateur – visit his home page. If you are interested in Protozoa, algae and pond life in general, this site is well worth a visit.

Antique Brass Microscopes Wanted
Allan Wissner’s collection of antique brass microscopes and all kinds of early microscope accessories, dating from the mid-18th to the early 20th century.

George’s Pictures of Vintage Microscopes
George Vitt’s personal site in the USA with some interesting photographs of vintage and modern microscopes and accessories.

Museum optischer Instrumente: Mikroskope
Photographs of German and French microscopes from the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Open University Digital Microscope
Photomicrographs of histological specimens that allow you to move the specimen, change magnification, focus, and adjust the lighting.

Virtual Microscope for Earth Sciences
Photomicrographs of thin rock sections from around the world and from the moon that can be panned, rotated and zoomed. Also photographs of the rocks.

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