Quekex 24 – The Barnard Award (Videos)

Quekex, the Club’s annual exhibition, will take place on Saturday 19th October 2024 – 10:00am to 4:00pm at Elm Court Youth and Community Centre, 363 Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3BP.

Entry conditions for the Barnard Awards (Videos) 2024


Awards of Merit will be given to examples of excellent quality at the Annual Exhibition of the Quekett Microscopical Club, where they will be displayed for other members and guests to inspect, admire and discuss. By entering you agree that images may be shown on the Club website.  They may also be reproduced for use at Club and outreach events.  Copyright remains with the author.

This award is a celebration of videomicrographic art. It is intended as a showcase of microscopical and photographic technique, designed to encourage and inspire others in the field of microscopy.

Please scroll to the bottom to see hints and tips on producing videos.

The Objectives

  • To recognise standards of excellence.
  • To encourage Members to offer their best work for assessment and possible awards of a Certificate of Merit.

The Rules

Entry is open to all members of the Quekett Microscopical Club, the Postal Microscopical Society and the Iceni.  Entry is also open to family members living in the same household as a Quekett Microscopical Club member.

A maximum of three entries per person is allowed.

EACH ENTRY MUST be accompanied by this form with the following brief information:

    1. A title
    2. A description of the subject
    3. Some notes on the microscopy techniques used
    4. Information on the photographic equipment/techniques used

    Entries should be made in .flv, .mp4, .mpg, .avi or .mov format.  Maximum video length is 60 seconds.


    Please send your entries to Charles Hussey via WeTransfer to [email protected] with Quekex Video as the subject.

    The closing date for submissions to the Barnard Award (Videos) category is 7th September 2024.

    Tips for producing a winning video

    Rather than sifting through existing footage in the hope of finding something that “will do”, set out to create a video specifically for the competition. Don’t worry if your equipment isn’t the latest research-grade optics but do aim to use it to its best advantage.

    • Make sure your video stands out with its originality and creativity.
    • Aim for aesthetic quality as well as technical proficiency
    • The subject should be visually appealing and some action/behaviour will add interest
    • Use the stage controls to keep the action in the centre of the field (Tip: a gliding stage may be easier than an x-y stage)
    • Use a high frame rate (minimum of 30 frames per second) to achieve smooth movement; although….
    • You could consider using slow motion or timelapse (if you do, this should be mentioned on your entry form)
    • Judicious use of video editing software will help focus attention on what you wish to demonstrate – perhaps switching between shots taken at different magnifications
    • When assembling your video, plan your shots to tell a narrative
    • Choose your lighting and contrast techniques to best suit the subject
    • Aim for even illumination (unless for a special effect)
    • Keep to the time limit (Videos longer than 1 minute may be truncated when they are prepared for display at Quekex)
    • Ensure all glass surfaces are completely clean before you start filming
    • If needed, use a needle to clear debris out of the way
    • Keep a note of the optics and illumination techniques used, as well as the subject and behaviour exhibited (You will need to include this on your entry form)
    • Show your draft video to friends, colleagues, or mentors and gather feedback. Look for ways to improve clarity, engagement, and overall impact
    • Ensure you understand and follow all the competition guidelines regarding length, format, and submission procedures.

    Good Luck!