Quekex 24 – The Quekett Award for Micrographic Art

Entry conditions for the Quekett Award for Micrographic Art 2024

Quekex, the Club’s annual exhibition, will take place on Saturday 19th October 2024 – 10:00am to 4:00pm at Elm Court Youth and Community Centre, 363 Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3BP.


Awards will be given to examples of excellent quality at the Annual Exhibition of the Quekett Microscopical Club, where they will be displayed for other members and guests to inspect and admire. Images may be shown on the Club website. They may also be reproduced for use at Club and outreach events. Copyright remains with the author.

This award is a celebration of micrographic art. It is designed to encourage and inspire others in the field of microscopy.

The Objectives

  • To recognise standards of excellence.
  • To encourage Members to offer their best work for assessment and possible awards of a Certificate of Merit.

The Rules

Entry is open to non-members as well as members of the Quekett Microscopical Club.

A maximum of three entries per person is allowed.

The art can take any format. Drawing from a microscope image for the purpose of recording as an alternative to photography, a photo, painting, textiles, model etc. should be accompanied by a title and description of the subject. Please also let us know if you will be bringing your entry to the physical event.

Entries should be photographed and images submitted either as .jpg or .jpeg files using the contact form below by 1st September 2024.

Include details about entries in entry form text box, but note that each actual image file submitted must be sent as a separate attachment – NOT embedded in a Word or text document.

Each photographic entry will be assessed prior to the exhibition by an independent judge whose decision is final.

The closing date for submissions to the Quekett Award for Micrographic Art category is 7th September 2024

Entry form

Please use the form below to send images to the Quekex Organiser.  Entries may also be submitted by email to [email protected], and queries may also be sent to this address.

If you have difficulty using the form, please contact the Webmaster. If you wish to remove attached files from the form, use your browser’s Back button and complete the form again.

    Your name (required)

    Your e-mail (required)

    Subject (required)

    Your message

    Attach up to three files. Please be aware that the total of attachments to the form may not exceed 25MB. This permits, for example, one file of 20MB plus two text files of about 2MB each. If it is required to send more than one large file then two (or more) submissions must be made, with appropriate identifiers in each.