Angela Marmont Centre

Quekett meetings and workshops sometimes take place in the Angela Marmont Centre in the Natural History Museum.

Directions from Exhibition Road

There is step-free access to the Natural History Museum from the entrance on Exhibition Road (formerly the entrance to the Geological Museum), and at busy times the queue may be shorter than at the main entrance on Cromwell Road.

Exhibition Road entrance
Entrance to the Natural History Museum on Exhibition Road

After the detour for security checks, go straight ahead into the Museum.

Go through the area with black walls; you can walk to the left or right of the escalator.

Dark area
Go past the dinosaur skeleton and the escalator

Go straight through the next area, Lasting Impressions, which has a door to the library on the right and a door to the British Geological Survey on the left.

Lasting Impressions
Lasting Impressions: go through either door at the end and turn left

After Lasting Impressions, go left between the bird exhibits and go through the door at the end of the gallery; this leads into the fossil Ichthyosaurs corridor.

Bird Gallery
Bird Gallery: go through the door at the far end and turn right

Turn right when you leave the Bird Gallery and walk along the fossil Ichthyosaurs corridor to the Central Hall.

Corridor to the Central Hall
Fossil Ichthyosaurs corridor, running from the Palaeontology Department to the Central Hall

Go straight across the Central Hall, under the whale skeleton, and along the corridor that is directly opposite, leading to the Darwin Centre.

NHM Central Hall, showing the whale skeletonThe Central Hall, showing the whale skeleton

Corridor to the Darwin Centre
Corridor leading from the Central Hall to the Darwin Centre

At the end of the corridor to the Darwin Centre, go down the stairs, turn left, and the entrance to the Angela Marmont Centre is on the left. There is a lift to the left of the stairs.

Entrance to the Angela Marmont CentreEntrance to the Angela Marmont Centre

Directions from Cromwell Road

If you use the main entrance on Cromwell Road, go half way along the Central Hall and turn left into the corridor that leads to the Darwin Centre.

NHM Central Hall, showing the whale skeletonThe Central Hall, showing the whale skeleton

Corridor to the Darwin Centre
Corridor leading from the Central Hall to the Darwin Centre

At the end of the corridor to the Darwin Centre, go down the stairs, turn left, and the entrance to the Angela Marmont Centre is on the left. There is a lift to the left of the stairs.

Entrance to the Angela Marmont CentreEntrance to the Angela Marmont Centre

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